Hello! I am

Iggy Wagner

Demonstrating the skillsets required to live by design is what I do.

Bringing the experience of life, to life, is who I am.

My Story

Hey-OHHH! Since we’re basically homies at this point, let me share a bit about myself.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve found much of life to be… Monotonous. Lackluster. Downright bizarre and dreary.

If life was a game, I didn’t understand the rules, and I definitely didn’t’ understand how to play. This game was complicated, it was rife with pain, and it seemed like the odds were stacked against me. I was drifting through my days as a self-professed weirdo and misfit.

Shifting the game to my advantage was out of the question.

Winning? HA!

Something about the concept of life being equivalent to a game seemed to haunt me, however. I was plagued with incessant ponderings such as:

If life was a game, what were the rules and framework for playing?What was the main goal?

If life was a game, how would I level up?

Most importantly, if life was a game, how would I WIN?

The answers to these ponderings forever shifted my perspective on what it meant to live, to the fullest measure. I was - as a result - left with a feeling of, “Glorious Purpose,” as Loki would phrase it.

I could become the hero of my own story.

I could become the master of my fate.

I could become a force of nature.

If any of this resonates with you, I invite you to seize the moment, and seize your very own glorious purpose.

My Story

About Me.

This is John Doe. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec nisi maximus, dapibus augue ut, volutpat ipsum. Nunc vehicula metus id sapien ultrices ornare. Nulla sit amet velit eu erat porttitor ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Checkout My Latest Work.

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To Get in Touch

Contact Me.


+1 (702) 766-8872

7121 W Craig Rd, Set 113

Las Vegas, NV 89129


+1 (012) 1234567

123 New York Street

New York, NY 12345

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